COVID Precautions
Your photo shoot
It is impossible to live without being exposed to risk. Ultimately it is our own responsibility to assess what level of risk is acceptable for us (and people for whom we are responsible).
I have had three COVID jabs in total. The first two followed by a booster.
Outdoor photo shoots
When shooting outdoors we have the advantage of excellent ventilation and it is easy to maintain a healthy “social distance”. So I personally regard the risk of transmitting covid as relatively small. But everyone has to make their own decision.
Studio photo shoots
The studio itself
My studio is an extension to my home.
Not crowding the studio
I do not book more than one photo shoot on the same day. With care (by me and my clients) I can remain at least 2 meters distance from clients.
The covid virus is mainly transmitted through the air, and scientists believe that transmission via contaminated surfaces is minimal. Nevertheless prior to every photo shoot I wash down all surfaces (studio and bathroom) that are likely to be touched by visitors with hot water and a strong detergent solution which has been shown to inactivate the virus, and make surfaces safe.
It is desirable that windows are open for ventilation. If the weather is dry there can be plenty of ventilation. If it is raining I can only open a fairly small window in the studio, but other windows can be open elsewhere in the building to create a through draft.
Hand washing
Hands can be washed in the studio area using a liquid soap dispensor and “taps with arms” (ie they can be turned on and off without touching them with the hands).
Hands can also be washed in the bathroom.
Taps and bottles can be washed at the same time as hands to ensure there is effectively zero chance of transmitting the virus by handling bottles and taps.
Freshly laudered towels are put out for the exclusive use of clients.
Your photo shoot
It is impossible to live without being exposed to risk. Ultimately it is our own responsibility to assess what level of risk is acceptable for us (and people for whom we are responsible).
I have had three COVID jabs in total (the first two, followed by a “booster”).
Outdoor photo shoots
When shooting outdoors we have the advantage of excellent ventilation and it is easy to maintain a healthy “social distance”. So I personally regard the risk of transmitting covid as relatively small. But everyone has to make their own decision.
Studio photo shoots
The studio itself
My studio is an extension to my home.
Not crowding the studio
I do not book more than one photo shoot on the same day. With care (by me and my clients) I can remain at least 2 meters distance from clients.
The covid virus is mainly transmitted through the air, and scientists believe that transmission via contaminated surfaces is minimal. Nevertheless prior to every photo shoot I wash down all surfaces (studio and bathroom) that are likely to be touched by visitors with hot water and a strong detergent solution which has been shown to inactivate the virus, and make surfaces safe.
It is desirable that windows are open for ventilation. If the weather is dry there can be plenty of ventilation. If it is raining I can only open a fairly small window in the studio, but other windows can be open elsewhere in the building to create a through draft.
Hand washing
Hands can be washed in the studio area using a liquid soap dispensor and “taps with arms” (ie they can be turned on and off without touching them with the hands).
Hands can also be washed in the bathroom.
Taps and bottles can be washed at the same time as hands to ensure there is effectively zero chance of transmitting the virus by handling bottles and taps.
Freshly laudered towels are put out for the exclusive use of clients.