You are currently viewing Fantasy photo story “Secret Garden”

Fantasy photo story “Secret Garden”

Location photo shoot

Photo shoot in collaboration with PortraitX

The theme for this particular PortraitX photo shoot was “Secret Garden”. So I wanted to come up with a story line that fitted the remit.

Photo props

I found an old key and a tiny chest of drawers. Added some dead leaves… and took the photos in the garden where Samantha was living at that time (Samantha is the organising power and brains behind PortraitX).

“Secret Garden”

Then we translocated to a local “secret garden” for the rest of the photo shoot.

I am not sure if I need to write any more about the story. The whole point is the story should be obvious from the photos.

Our heroine knew of the walled garden, but had never been inside. Maybe this could be the key for the locked door?

Inside is a kind of quiet paradise.

The creative team


Make up: Samantha Akasha Beck

Storyline: Ian Trayner

Initial concept: Samantha Akasha Beck